Msg#: 265                                          Date: 09-16-96  11:06
  From: Don Allen                                    Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: 01:Necronomicon [01/08]
URL - http://marlowe.wimsey.com/~rshand/streams/scripts/necronomicon.html


Great Cthulhu 

Lovecraft's Necronomicon

The Old Ones

"That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even 
death may die." 
- Abdul Alhazred, Necronomicon 
(from H. P. Lovecraft, "The Call of Cthulhu", 1926)

The Necronomicon tells of the Old Ones, who arrived on the primal earth 
from "dark stars". When land appeared they swarmed from the oceans to 
build cities at the poles and raise temples to Those cursed by the Gods. 
Their ghoulish spawn ruled the earth until the Elder Lords, appalled at 
their abominations, acted: 
"...casting Them forth from the Earth to the Void beyond the planes 
where chaos reigns and form abideth not. And the Elder Lords set Their 
seal upon the Gateway and the power of the Old Ones prevailest not 
against its might. 
Loathsome Cthulhu rose then from the deeps and raged with exceeding 
great fury against the Earth Guardians. And They bound his venomous 
claws with potent spells and sealed him up within the City of R'lyeh 
wherein beneath the waves he shall sleep death's dream until the end of 
the Aeon." 
- Liber Logaeth (translated by Dr. John Dee)

"In all probability Cthulhu is based on the Norwegian myth of the 
Kraken, a legendary monster thought to live under the waves of the 
northern seas." 
-Philip A. Shreffer, The H.P. Lovecraft Companion 

"Below the thunders of the upper deep; 
Far, far beneath in the abysmal sea, 
His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep 
The Kraken sleepeth; faintest sunlights fell 
About his shadowy sides: above him swell 
Huge sponges of millennial growth and height; 
And far away into the sickly light, 
From many a wondrous grot and secret cell 
Unnumber'd and enormous polypi 
Winnow with giant arms the slumbering green. 
There hath he lain for ages and will lie 
Battening upon huge seaworms in his sleep, 
Until the latter fire shall heat the deep; 
Then once by man and angels to be seen, 
In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die." 
- Alfred Lord Tennyson, "The Kraken"

In exile with their Master Azathoth, "Lord of All", in the chaotic Void, 
the Old Ones bide the day until they return to rule earth once again. 

"Azathoth is the 'ultimate nuclear chaos', at 'the center of infinity'. 
It is from the Throne of Azathoth that the aimless waves, 'whose chance 
combining gives each frail cosmos its eternal law', originate from." 
- Parker Ryan "Necronomicon Info Source" 

"However, before the complete influx of these elder forces into our 
present space-time continuum can be facillated, the secret and primal 
gateways must be located, and opened, to allow access from 'outside the 

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  Msg#: 266                                          Date: 09-16-96  11:06
  From: Don Allen                                    Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: 02:Necronomicon [02/08]
circles of time'. This gateway has been glyphed by Lovecraft as one of 
the Great Old Ones themselves - 'the noxious Yog-Sothoth who froths as 
primal slime in nuclear chaos beyond the nethermost outpost of space and 
- Tenebrous, "The Aeon of Cthulhu Rising" 

"Yog-Sothoth is coterminous with ALL time and space. In Through the 
Gates of the Silver Key Lovecraft describes Yog-Sothoth thus:'an All in 
One and One in All of limitless being and self-the last, utter sweep 
which has no confines and which outreaches fancy and mathematics alike. 
' Past, present, future all are one in Yog-Sothoth." 
"HPL researcher Philip A. Shreffler states in The H.P. Lovecraft 
Companion that the acting principles of Yog-Sothoth and Azathoth are 
'infinite expansion and infinite contraction' respectively" 
- Parker Ryan "Necronomicon Info Source" 

"As Guardian of the Gate, he [Yog-Sothoth] is synonymous with Choronzon. 
The 'nethermost outpost', itself an opening or window to the 
dimensionality of the Great Old Ones (Universe B), is the star Sothis, 
or Sirius." 
- Tenebrous, "The Aeon of Cthulhu Rising" 

"It is now possible to see the continous flow and evolution of Aeons 
occuring simultaenously and passing over into the world of anti-matter. 
The Yog (or Yug .. an aeon or age ..) of Sothoth is the counterpoint - 
as the Aeon of Set- Thoth, or Jinn' [the Old Ones]." 
- Parker Ryan "Necronomicon Info Source" 

"Alhazred appears to have had access to many sources now lost, and 
events which are only hinted at in the Book of Genesis or the apocryphal 
Book of Enoch, or disguised as mythology in other sources, are explored 
in great detail." 
- Colin Low, Necronomicon FAQ 

"And I proceeded to where things were chaotic. And I saw there something 
horrible: I saw neither a heaven above nor a firmly founded earth, but a 
place chaotic and horrible. And there I saw seven stars of the heaven 
bound together in it, like great mountains and burning with fire. Then I 
said: 'For what sin are they bound, and on what account have they been 
cast in hither?' Then said Uriel, one of the holy angels, who was with 
me, and was chief over them, and said: 'Enoch, why dost thou ask, and 
why art thou eager for the truth? These are of the number of the stars 
of heaven, which have transgressed the commandment of the Lord, and are 
bound here till ten thousand years, the time entailed by their sins, are 
Book of Enoch 21:1-7a

"Alhazred may have used dubious magical techniques to clarify the past, 
but he also shared with 5th. century B.C. Greek writers such as 
Thucydides a critical mind and a willingness to explore the meanings of 
mythological and sacred stories. His speculations are remarkably modern, 
and this may account for his current popularity: he believed that many 
species besides the human race had inhabited the Earth, and that much 
knowledge was passed to mankind in encounters with being from other 
'spheres'. He shared with some neo-platonists the belief that stars are 
like our sun, and have their own unseen planets with their own 
lifeforms, but elaborated this belief with a good deal of metaphysical 
speculation in which these beings were part of a cosmic hierarchy of 
spiritual evolution. He was also convinced that he had contacted these 
'Old Ones' using magical invocations, and warned of terrible powers 
waiting to return to re-claim the Earth - he interpretated this belief 
in the light of the Apocalypse of St. John, but reversed the ending so 
that the Beast triumphs after a great war in which the earth is laid 
- Colin Low, Necronomicon FAQ 

"He [Alhazred] visited the ruins of Babylon and the subterranean secrets 
of Memphis and spent ten years alone in the great southern desert of 

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  Msg#: 267                                          Date: 09-16-96  11:06
  From: Don Allen                                    Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: 03:Necronomicon [03/08]
Arabia-the Roba el Khaliye or 'Empty Space' of the ancients and 'Dahna' 
or 'Crimson Desert' of the modern Arabs, which is held to be inhabited 
by protective evil spirits and monsters of death. Of this desert many 
strange and unbelievable marvels are told by those who pretend to have 
penetrated it. In his last years Alhazred dwelt in Damascus, where the 
Necronomicon (Al Azif) was written and of his final death or 
disappearance (738 A.D.) many terrible and conflicting things are told. 
He is said by Ebn Khallikan (12th century biographer) to have been 
seized by an invisible monster in broad daylight and devoured horribly 
before a large number of fright-frozen witnesses. Of his madness many 
things are told. He claimed to have seen the fabulous Irem or city of 
Pillars, and to have found beneath the ruins of a certain nameless 
desert town the shocking annals and secrets of a race older than 
mankind. He was only an indifferent Moslem, worshipping unknown deities 
whom he called Yog-Sothoth and Cthulhu." 
- H. P. Lovecraft, "The History and Chronology of the Necronomicon" 

"Alhazred is said (by HPL) to have journeyed to Egypt in search of 
occult secrets. This is consistent with the time frame that it was 
supposed to have ocured in. Between the fourth century and the tenth 
century Near Eastern scholars interested in magickal matters viewed 
Egypt as an invaluable source of information. During this time many 
corrupt Egyptian words and phrases entered magical writings. Gnostic, 
Coptic, and Greco-Egyptian word formulas were incorporated in great 
number into existing Arab magickal systems.....It has been suggested 
that some of the Barbarous names used in Lovecraft's fiction might 
indeed be corrupt Egyptian word formulas. Particularly Yog-Sothoth, 
Azathoth, and Nyarlathotep are said to have an Egyptian origin. (Note 
the obviously Egyptian endings 'hotep' and 'thoth'.)" 

"Cthulhu is very close to the Arabic word Khadhulu (also spelled al 
qhadhulu). Khadhulu (al qhadhulu) is translated as 'Forsaker' or 
'Abandoner'. Many Sufis and Muqarribun writings make use of this term 
(Abandoner). In Sufi and Muqarribun writings 'abandoner' refers to the 
power that fuels the practices of Tajrid 'outward detachment' and Tafrid
 'interior solitude'." 
- Parker Ryan, "Necronomicon Info Source" 

"Mankind, Shaitan is Khadhulu." 
- Quran 25:29

"By the time Mohammad was writing Shaitan was being called 'the Old 
Serpent (dragon)' and 'the Lord of the Abyss'. The Old Serpent or Old 
Dragon is, according to experts such as E.A. Budge and S.N. Kramer, 
Leviathan [Hebrew]. Leviathan is Lotan [Canaanite]. Lotan traces to 
Tietan. Tietan, we are told by the authorities on Near Easern mythology 
is a later form of Tiamat. According to the experts the Dragon of the 
Abyss called Shaitan is the same Dragon of the Agyss named Tiamat." 
- Parker Ryan , "Necronomicon Info Source" 

"The dragon is an abandoner for he leaves all that is sacred. The dragon 
goes here and there without pause." 
- The Book of Annihilation (an Arabic text on magick)

One of the titles of the Dragon is Lord of the Abyss. "The title Lord of 
the Abyss translated into Sumerian is 'Kutulu'. Kutu means 'Underworld' 
or 'Abyss' and Lu is Sumerian for 'Lord' or 'Person of importance'.... 
Indeed the ruler of the Abyss (kutu) in Sumeria was the Old Dragon 
- Parker Ryan "Necronomicon Info Source" 

"Some...link Kingu (Qingu) with the Ancient Ones by assigning him the 
status of general for the Ancient Ones in their war against the Elder 
Gods (which this myth supposedly represents.) Though these groups claim 
to be servants of the Elder gods, they worship Tiamat as a benevolent 
creatrix, ignoring the fact that it was Tiamat who appointed Kingu HER 

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  Msg#: 268                                          Date: 09-16-96  11:06
  From: Don Allen                                    Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: 04:Necronomicon [04/08]
general in the Enuma Elis [the Babylonian Epic of Creation], leading to 
the conclusion that Tiamat was an Ancient One and therefore that this 
group worshipped the Ancient Ones while claiming to serve the Elder 
- Adapa, "The Necronomicon and Ancient Sumer: Dubunking the Myth" 
"Another race is the Deep Ones who are a type of amphibious creature 
resembling a mixture of a fish, a frog and man. The Deep Ones worship a 
god called Dagon. Dagon is a deity resembling a giant Deep One. Dagon 
and the Deep Ones seem to be Allied in some way with Cthulhu." 
"Arab myth mentions mysterious fish-men from the sea of Karkar. These 
fish-men are probably derivative of the myths related to the actual Near 
Eastern god Dagon. Dagon is a Philistine deity that appears as a giant 
fish-man. Dagon is a later version of the Babylonian Oannes." 
- Parker Ryan "Necronomicon Info Source" 
Oannes were repulsive amphibius beings who came from space in an egg 
shaped vehicle. The fragments of text that survive are a Babylonian 
retelling of a much more ancient Sumerian tale. Six thousand years ago 
or so, the Vela supernova was an awe inspiring sight from the earth. It 
was then that powerful beings or "Watchers" came from the sky, taught 
humans the arts of civilization, then made them their slaves. 

According to Robert Temple in his Sirius Mystery, astronomical knowledge 
imparted by the Oannes is preserved by the tribal Dogon people today. 

"The Greek and Latin Translations"

"In A.D. 950 the Azif, which had gained a considerable though 
surreptitious circulation amongst the philosophers of the age, was 
secretly translated into Greek by Theodorus Philetas of Constantinople 
under the title Necronomicon." 
- H. P. Lovecraft, "The History and Chronology of the Necronomicon" 

"This title [Necronomicon] is translated as 'the Book (or image) of the 
Practices of the Dead'; Necro being Greek for 'Dead' and Nomos meaning 
'practices', 'customs' or 'rules' (as in astronomy) ." 
- Parker Ryan, "The Necronomicon and Ancient Arab Magick" 

"For a century it impelled certain experimenters to terrible attempts, 
when it was suppressed and burnt by the patriarch Michael. After this it 
is only heard of furtively, but (1228) Olaus Wormius made a Latin 
translation later in the Middle Ages." 
"The work, both Latin and Greek, was banned by Pope Gregory IX in 1232, 
shortly after its Latin translation, which called attention to it." 
- H. P. Lovecraft, "The History and Chronology of the Necronomicon" 

"A Latin translation was made in 1487 by a Dominican priest Olaus 
Wormius. Wormius, a German by birth, was a secretary to the first Grand 
Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition, Tomas de Torquemada, and it is 
likely that the manuscript of the Necronomicon was seized during the 
persecution of Moors ("Moriscos") who had been converted to Catholism 
under duress; this group was deemed to be unsufficiently pure in its 
beliefs. .
"It was an act of sheer folly for Wormius to translate and print the 
Necronomicon at that time and place. The book must have held an 
obsessive fascination for the man, because he was finally charged with 
heresy and burned after sending a copy of the book to Johann Tritheim, 
Abbot of Spanheim (better known as 'Trithemius'); the accompanying 
letter contained a detailed and blasphemous interpretation of certain 
passages in the Book of Genesis. Virtually all the copies of Wormius's 
translation were seized and burned with him, although there is the 
inevitable suspicion that at least one copy must have found its way into 
the Vatican Library." 
- Colin Low, Necronomicon FAQ 

"...The Latin text was printed twice - once in the 15th century in block 
letter (evidently in German) and once in the 17th (probably Spanish); 
both editions being without identifying marks, and located as to time 
and place by internal typographic evidence only. 
- H. P. Lovecraft, "The History and Chronology of the Necronomicon" 

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  Msg#: 269                                          Date: 09-16-96  11:06
  From: Don Allen                                    Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: 05:Necronomicon [05/08]
"It was written in seven volumes, and runs to over 900 pages in the 
Latin edition." 
- Colin Low, Necronomicon FAQ 

"Of the Latin texts now existing one (15th century) is known to be in 
the British Museum under lock and key, which another (17th century) is 
in the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris. A 17th century edition is in the 
Widener Library at Harvard, and in the Library of Miskatonic University 
at Arkham; also in the library of the University of Buenos Aires. 
"Numerous other copies probably exist in secret, and a 15th century one 
is persistently rumored to form part of the collection of a celebrated 
American millionaire. A still vaguer rumor credits the preservation of a 
16th century Greek text in the Salem family of Pickman; but if it was so 
preserved, it vanished with the artist R. U. Pickman , who disappeared 
early in 1926. The book is rigidly suppressed by the authorities of most 
countries, and by all branches of organized ecclesiasticism. Reading 
leads to terrible consequences. It was from rumors of this book (of 
which relatively few of the general public know) that R. W. Chambers is 
said to have derived the idea of his early novelThe King in Yellow." 
- H. P. Lovecraft, "The History and Chronology of the Necronomicon" 

Dee's Liber Logaeth

"They have walked amidst the stars and They have walked the Earth. The 
City of Irem in the great desert has known Them; Leng in the Cold Waste 
has seen Their passing, the timeless citadel upon the cloud-veiled 
heights of unknown Kadath beareth Their mark. Wantonly the Old Ones trod 
the ways of darkness and Their blasphemies were great upon the Earth; 
all creation bowed beneath Their might and knew Them for Their 
- Liber Logaeth (translated by Dr. John Dee)

"The Latin text came into the possession of Dr. John Dee in the 
sixteenth century. Dr. Dee made the only English translation of the 
Necronomicon known." 
- Parker Ryan, "The Necronomicon and Ancient Arab Magick" 

"Dr. John Dee, the famous English magician, and his assistant Edward 
Kelly were at the court of the Emperor Rudolph II to discuss plans for 
making alchemical gold, and Kelly bought the copy from the so-called 
'Black Rabbi' and Kabbalist, Jacob Eliezer, who had fled to Prague from 
Italy after accusations of necromancy. At that time Prague had become a 
magnet for magicians, alchemists and charletons of every kind under the 
patronage of Rudolph, and it is hard to imagine a more likely place in 
Europe for a copy to surface. " 
- Colin Low, Necronomicon FAQ 

Dee and Kelly's "Enochian system has many parallels with HPL. Schueler 
asserts that the Enochian tradition proposes the existence of a God or 
Force which is the manifestation of Infinite Space similar to Crowley's 
Nuit and HPL's Yog-Sototh. Schueler also contends that The Divine 
manifestation of the nuclear point at the center of infinity (equivalent 
to Hadit or Azathoth) is also important to Enochian magick. The Enochian 
Keys state that the wold is nearing an eon spanning Cycle in which 
Ancient Gods will return to there throne and the world will be forever 
changed. These keys also mention an imprisoned dragon (Cthulhu?)" 
- Parker Ryan , "Necronomicon Info Source" 

"The Necronomicon appears to have had a marked influence on Kelly; the 
character of his scrying changed, and he produced an extraordinary 
communication which struck horror into the Dee household...Kelly left 
Dee shortly afterwards. Dee translated the Necronomicon into English 
while warden of Christ's College, Manchester..." 
- Colin Low, Necronomicon FAQ 

"An English translation made by Dr. [John] Dee was never printed, and 
exists only in fragments recovered from the original MS." 
- H. P. Lovecraft, "The History and Chronology of the Necronomicon" 

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  Msg#: 270                                          Date: 09-16-96  11:06
  From: Don Allen                                    Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: 06:Necronomicon [06/08]
"...The manuscript passed into the collection of the great collector 
Elias Ashmole, and hence to the Bodleian Library in Oxford." 
- Colin Low, Necronomicon FAQ 

"Dee's cipher manuscript was called Liber Logaeth, and was evidently "a 
portion of a larger manuscript, the origin and nature of which is not 
known. Due to its history and the similarity in content to the Cthulhu 
Mythos, this document has been presented...as being, at least a portion 
of, the document which was the inspiration for HPL's Necronomicon." 
- Ken Ottinger 

COMPARISON OF TEXTS -  Dee's Liber Logaeth - HPL's Necronomicon

Of Ye Old Ones and their Spawn

The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are and the Old Ones shall be. From the 
dark stars They came ere man was born, unseen and loathsome They 
descended to primal earth. Nor is it to be thought that man is either 
the oldest or the last of Earth's masters, or that the common bulk of 
life and substance walks alone. The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are, and 
the Old Ones shall be. Beneath the oceans They brooded while ages past, 
till seas gave up the land, whereupon They swarmed forth in Their 
multitudes and darkness ruled the Earth. At the frozen Poles They raised 
mighty cities, and upon high places the temples of Those whome nature 
owns not and the Gods have cursed. The ice desert of the South and the 
sunken isles of Ocean hold stones whereon Their seal is engraven, but 
who hath seen the deep frozen city or the sealed tower long garlanded 
with seaweed and barnacles? Great Cthulhuis Their brother, the shaggoths 
Their slaves. The Dholes do homage unto Them in the nighted vale of 
Pnoth and Gugs sing Their praises beneath the peaks of ancient Throk. 
Great Cthulhu is Their cousin, yet can he spy Them only dimly. lŠ! 
Shub-Niggurath! Beyond the Gate dwell now the Old Ones; not in the 
spaces known unto men but in the angles betwixt them. Outside Earth's 
plane They linger and ever awaite the time of Their return; for the 
Earth has known Them and shall know Them in time yet to come. Not in the 
spaces we know, but between them. They walk serene and primal, 
undimensioned and to us unseen. And the Old Ones hold foul and formless 
Azathoth for Their Master and Abide with Him in the black cavern at the 
centre of all infinity, where he gnaws ravenously in ultimate chaos amid 
the mad beating of hidden drums, the tuneless piping of hideous flutes a
nd the ceaseless bellowing of blind idiot gods that shamble and gesture 
aimlessly for ever. They walk unseen and foul in lonely places where the 
Words have been spoken and the Rites howled through at their Seasons. 
The wind gibbers with Their voices, and the earth mutters with Their 
consciousness. They bend the forest and crush the city, yet may; not 
forest or city behold the hand that smites. The soul of Azathoth 
dwelleth in Yog-sothoth and He shall beckon unto the Old Ones when the 
stars mark the time of Their coming; for Yog-sothoth is the Gate through 
which Those of the Void will re-enter. Yog-sothoth knowest the mazes of 
of time, for all time is one unto Him. He knowest where the Old Ones 
came forth in time along long past and where They shall come forth again 
when the cycle returneth. Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the 
gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, 
future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke 
through of old, and where They shall break through again. After day 
cometh night; man's day shall pass, and They shall rule where They once 
ruled. As foulness you shall know them and Their accursedness shall 
stain the Earth. Man rules now where They ruled once; They shall soon 
rule where man rules now. After summer is winter, and after winter 
summer. They wait patient and potent, for here shall They reign again. 
The quotes from Lovecraft were taken from his short story "The Dunwich 
Horror" ( 1928). Lovecraft attributes the source of his material to 
Olaus Wormius' Latin version of Abdul Alhazred's Necronomicon, as 
printed in Spain in the 17th century. Note how Dee's Liber Logaeth
 places the return of the Old Ones at some indeterminate future while in 
Lovecraft's version, They are coming soon (and in his stories have 
already arrived.) For the text of Olaus Wormius' version click here. 

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  Msg#: 271                                          Date: 09-16-96  11:06
  From: Don Allen                                    Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: 07:Necronomicon [07/08]
The Missing Texts

"No Arabic manuscript is known to exist; the author Idries Shah carried 
out a search in the libraries of Deobund in India, Al-Azhar in Egypt, 
and the Library of the Holy City of Mecca, without success." 
- Colin Low, Necronomicon FAQ 

"The Arabic original was lost as early as Wormius' time, as indicated by 
his prefatory note (there is, however, a vague account of a secret copy 
appearing in San Francisco during the present century but later 
perishing by fire); and no sight of the Greek copy - which was printed 
in Italy between 1500 and 1550 - has been reported since the burning of 
a certain Salem man's library in 1692." 
- H. P. Lovecraft, "The History and Chronology of the Necronomicon" 

"Nathan of Gaza precipitated one of the most profound events in the 
history of Judaism. In 1665, while only 21 or 22 years old, he 
proclaimed that Sabbatai Tzevi was the Messiah." 
Nathan also wrote the The Order of the Golden Dawn, "The Equinox and The 
Golden Dawn, are important to a study of H. P. Lovecraft for several 
reasons. First, they are the closest thing to Lovecraft's Necronomicon
 to be produced in this century. second, in his study of occult 
material, it is not impossible that Lovecraft may have come into contact 
with The Equinox.. In fact, the Widener Library at Harvard owns Volume 
1, Number 5 (March 1911), of The Equinox, which was received at the 
library on December 31, 1917, placing it easily within Lovecraft's 
reach. And third, there is a kind of peripheral connection between 
Lovecraft and the Golden Dawn in that several of his favorite weird 
fiction writers belonged to it. Arthur Machen and Algernon Blackwood, 
both of whom Lovecraft praised (albeit to different degrees) in 
'Supernatural Horror in Literature', were prominent members of the 
order, as were Sax Rohmer, Bram Stoker, author of Dracula, and Robert 
Louis Stevenson." 
-Philip A. Shreffer, The H.P. Lovecraft Companion 

"When we then turn to the text referred to as the Necronomicon by H.P. 
Lovecraft, we are hard-pressed to render a 'verdict' as to its 
legitimacy. If indeed the text preceded Lovecraft, then this does not 
guarantee that it has come down to us unedited. If the idea and title 
were used by Lovecraft as a result of suggestions from others without an 
extant text, then perhaps its 'source consciousness' hid the text until 
a later time. If Lovecraft fabricated even the IDEA of the tome along 
with its title, then perhaps he was simply a 'third party' to a state of 
consciousness which we may never assess." 
- Kendrick Kerwin Chua, "The Necronomicon - FAQ Version 2.0" 

"Since the publication in 1938 of H. P. Lovecraft's essay on the 
Necronomicon, at least one more copy of this obviously rare book has 
surfaced and is now in the collection of the [John Hay] Library at Brown 
University, Providence, Rhode Island. Printed by the Owl's Wick Press at 
Philadelphia in 1973, this modern edition of the Necronomicon appears to 
be a facsimile of the original Arabic text that Lovecraft presumed lost 
by the year A. D. 1050. A problematical aspect of the Brown University 
copy, however, is that the text, though appearing to the untrained eye 
to be in Arabic, is actually in a language known to Semitic scholars as 
Duraic. Unfortunately, there has, to date, been no successful completion 
of a translation." 
-Philip A. Shreffer, The H.P. Lovecraft Companion 

The "Great Beast" Aleister Crowley interpreted the horrifying 
communication by Kelly (under the influence of the Necronomicon four 
centuries earlier) "as the abortive first attempt of an extra-human 
entity to communicate thelemic Book of the Law." 
"There is no question that Crowley read Dee's translation of the 
Necronomicon in the Ashmolean, probably while researching Dee's papers; 
too many passages in Crowley's Book of the Law read like a transcription 
of passages in that translation." 
- Colin Low, Necronomicon FAQ 

COMPARISON OF TERMINOLOGYH.P. LovecraftAleister CrowleyAncient Sumer

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  Msg#: 272                                          Date: 09-16-96  11:06
  From: Don Allen                                    Read: Yes    Replied: No 
    To: All                                          Mark:                     
  Subj: 08:Necronomicon [08/08]
CthulhuThe Great BeastCtha-lu, Kutulu represented in "CTH/\H 666"The 
Ancient OnesSatan; TeitanTiamatAzathothAiwass (?)Azag-thothThe Dunwitch 
HorrorChoronzonPazuzuShub NiggurathPanShub Ishniggarab (?)Out Of Space
The AbyssAbsu; Nar MattaruIA!IO! IAO! IA (Jah; Ea; Lord of Waters)The 
Five-pointed star cavernThe PentagramThe AR, or UB (Plough Sign: the 
original gray pentagram and sign of the Aryan Race)Vermis MysteriisThe 
SerpentErim (the enemy; and the sea as Chaos; 
Gothic: Orim, or Worm Great "The Coroner presents the Necronomicron"

"Succinctly stated: there are no 'Ancient One' in Sumerian Religion or 
mythology. Similarly, there are no 'Elder Gods'. Additionally, there 
exists no written record of any god, demon, or lesser figure whose names 
resemble those of the Chthonic pantheon. Some have advanced the 
proposition that Cthulhu is taken from the eponym Kutu-lu, a mangled 
rendering of 'man of Kutha'. This would suggest that Cthulhu is 
supposedly a title of Nergal, the patron deity of the city of Kutha in 
ancient Mesopotamia. Yet nowhere in any extant text is this title 
referred to. In fact, nowhere in any tablet is any god of the 
Mesopotamian pantheon referred to under the title 'man of...' Such a 
base descriptive was unheard of as a divine appellation." 
"The Enuma Elis, the Babylonian Epic of Creation...attributed to the mid 
second millennium in the Old Babylonian period, stands not for the 
struggle between the forces of Darkness and Light, but rather serves to 
exemplify the movement from chaos to order in the political arena of 
this ancient land:" 
- Adapa, "The Necronomicon and Ancient Sumer: Dubunking the Myth" 

"Just as his observation about the physical origin of his country guided 
the ancient Mesopotamian in his speculations about the origins of the 
Universe, so do his memory and his experience of its political 
organization seem to have governed his thinking about the origins of 
order in that universe. Politics in Mesopotamia in the Old Babylonian 
Period, various and unstable, abounded in tribal and urban political 
forms. It ranged from near anarchy to democratic or semidemocratic forms 
based on general assemblies to monarchies. Its continually shifting 
power combinations and frequent attempts at achieving supremacy now by 
one, now by another, undoubtedly afforded many an object lesson in how 
to win power when common danger imposed unity and in how to preserve 
such power by wise and benevolent rule after the immediate danger was 
past. In the [Enuma Elis] epic, world order is seen as the outcome of 
just such a successful drive towards supremacy." 
- T. Jacobsen, Treasures of Darkness 

Other Necronomicon SitesAl Azif: The Manuscript Liber Logaeth 
Illustrated hypertext version of quotes from the original document 
De Web Mysteriis 
Extensive list of links plus project to construct a version of the 
The Necronomicon Anti-FAQ 
The definitive source on the history and origins of the Necronomicon! 



John Dee
The Apocryphical Book of Enoch
The Great Beast

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